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Online audio and video are vital assets for enhancing and driving teaching in education and elearning. 但是数字媒体本身并不能使在线课程成功. 当有互动性测验时,课程就会聚集在一起, 练习, 分支——与讲座或演示一起进行. The problem for many teachers and instructional designers is figuring out how to create a rich multimedia courses online without having to become application developers.

随着其新的电子学习套件的发布, Adobe is attempting an integrated approach to the development of online learning and multimedia similar to the company’s Creative Suite family of applications for web design and media production. Adobe appears to be taking aim at Microsoft Expression Studio and other rich media presentation tools like Telestream屏幕流, as well as conferencing and collaboration platforms such as WebEx and LiveMeeting. 将闪光等古老工具整合在一起, 吸引, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, 并连接, the eLearning Suite is intended to make it easier for educators to develop online learning 练习 and applications without having to dig deeply into programming ActionScript, 并将课程模块发布到桌面, 移动设备, 浏览器,甚至直播类在线课程.

创作是课程的起点, 而实现这一目标的主要工具就是新的吸引 4, 哪个公司首次推出了电子学习套件. Many educators and learning professionals are probably accustomed to using 吸引 for capturing screencasts and producing more complex demos that include branching and quizzes, 然后发布到闪光 SWF文件. Version 4 builds on this functionality by adding new project and design templates, 更好的PowerPoint工作流程和文本到语音的转换.

吸引 4 allows the creation of interactive demos that require the student to follow along, 单击并为每个步骤输入正确的数据. Audio and video assets can be added and Photoshop PSD files are imported with layers preserved, 允许他们被操纵和动画. 为了评估,老师可以增加分级测验. At completion of the course the student may be awarded a customized certificate ready for printing.

Probably the most interesting feature for instructional designers working with a teacher or subject expert is SWF commenting. This allows a designer to put together a course module and give it to the teacher for review. The teacher then can send back comments without having to run 吸引. Instead, the teacher only needs to run an Adobe AIR application that provides this functionality.

记录不太复杂的演示, the suite includes Presenter 7 for creating 闪光 presentations from PowerPoint. The resulting 闪光 presentation can include audio, video, animations, quizzes and surveys.

For those more accustomed to creating 闪光 applications the old-fashioned way, 该套件包括flashcs4的增强版本. It’s tightly integrated so that 吸引 4 projects can be exported directly into 闪光. Dreamweaver CS4 is also there to help bring these presentations into websites and html-based courses using its CourseBuilder extension.

The creation and editing of multimedia elements in courses is with a set of applications that should be familiar to most online video producers: Photoshop CS4 for image manipulation and Soundbooth CS4 for audio recording and editing. 闪光是视频进入画面的地方, using Adobe Media Converter to prepare and transcode video files for use in the final SWF.

出版是这门课程的发源地, and the eLearning Suite offers four different ways to get modules and courses to students and learners. Device Central用于向移动设备发布课程. The application includes emulators in order to see how your content looks on hundreds of device models.

发布供桌面使用的课程, 有或没有互联网连接, 该套件提供acrobat9pro. AIR is used to publish courses to be run outside the browser and without Adobe Reader. Connect Pro 7 is where courses created with the eLearning Suite meet the online classroom. Teachers of a live online class session in Connect can give students quizzes, 交互式模拟和练习,以自己的速度完成, similar to how individual or group work might be conducted in a brick-and-mortar classroom.

许多学校, 大学, and companies that already have large investments in online education use a Learning Management System to administer online course material. The eLearning Suite accommodates those users with the SCORM Packager, 它聚合了在吸引中创建的电子学习模块, 闪光 or Presenter for use in SCORM-compliant learning management systems (LMS) like SumTotal, 高原, 和Moodle.

The eLearning Suite provides a potentially valuable integrated toolset for education professionals who are beginners in authoring interactive multimedia course content or are old hands at 闪光. There’s additional value for those who want or need to publish content as 闪光 SWF files or Adobe PDFs, 把课程放到移动设备上,或者在Connect Pro上实时上课.

The full suite is priced at $1,799, with an educational price of $599. 吸引 4 is available alone for $799, or at an educator’s discount of $249. Various upgrade pricing is available for users of previous versions of 吸引, Photoshop, 闪光, 或Creative Suite 2和3.

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