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随着先锋的到来,观影体验进入了一个前所未有的、激动人心的全沉浸式娱乐新时代, living NFT and Web3 offering from Warner Bros. 首页 Entertainment: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Extended Edition. This Web3 movie event is fueled by Eluvio, 他是基于区块链的4K流媒体和票务技术的开发商,自称是“加密内容的区块链之家”.”

最近, Web3一直是很多猜测的主题,关于它的去中心化性质将使用户能够购买和交易知识产权,而无需涉及中介. 然而, 一个新的Web3娱乐生态系统,可以促进用户的有机参与和推广,这不仅有利于独立内容创作者,也有利于华纳兄弟等大型传统媒体公司. 与Eluvio合作开发的新《百家乐软件app最新版下载》包提供了一个引人入胜的例子,说明了在这个新的Web3世界中什么是可能的.

No Stranger to NFT

Eluvio为主流媒体公司创新内容已经有一段时间了. It has built up an impressive resume of high-profile, inventive entertainment initiatives such as the MaskVerse, which provides opportunities for fans of The Masked Singer and crypto enthusiasts to “buy, 出售和交易独特的数字收藏品-面具nft -为自己的收藏和/或解锁各种好处.”

Eluvio MaskVerse

Eluvio’s MaskVerse Masked Singer Web3 experience

Another high-profile project, Dollyverse, 畅销书作家詹姆斯·帕特森和音乐传奇多莉·帕顿合作撰写新书, Run, Rose, Run, includes a special selection of certified Dolly NFT collectibles. Among them are limited-edition NFTs of the Run, Rose, Run 附带的音乐专辑和限量系列的以多莉为灵感的NFT艺术品.


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Extended Edition is Eluvio’s most ambitious and extensive offering to date. 这是通过“神秘版”和“史诗版”两种动态菜单体验选项,让影迷与电影互动的“多媒体生活NFT”. Both editions enable users to view a 4K UHD extended version of the film, discover hidden AR collectibles, gain access to more than 8 hours of special features, 并探索基于电影中地点的主题导航菜单,同时在社区市场中进行交易并拥有整个体验.

Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition


Eluvio首席执行官Michelle Munson强调了几个关键点,将Eluvio的Web3 NFT项目和这项新产品与以前使用区块链技术的方式区分开来. 她还强调了这些实现对于那些可能不熟悉nft和区块链技术的消费者来说是完全可访问和安全的.

“首先也是最重要的一点是,所有核心数字资产——包括所有4K流媒体视频——不仅是门控的,而且是在区块链上专门服务和拥有的,曼森说. 这意味着所有权将直接从发行商转移到粉丝手中. 这开启了一种前所未有的新型直接关系:它让粉丝成为游戏体验的直接拥有者, trade into that with other fans.”

Munson还强调了这些产品可能朝着更大的互动性和直接的粉丝参与发展的潜在方式. 她说,粉丝可以成为新作品的部分所有者,“甚至有可能成为新的衍生作品的创作者”,这是通过内置的功能来实现的 Content Blockchain and the Content Fabric protocolEluvio自2018年成立以来开发的核心技术. “这与人们对传统工作流的看法大不相同, 管道, and content distribution.”

Munson指出,有了这个新系统,分销就不需要传统的CDN了. “协议本身取代了对CDN的需求,并承担了转码和打包堆栈的所有功能,她说。. 它还负责内容安全和版权管理,包括DRM. The protocol is built to be componentized, 动态, 按比例缩小的, and also to allow for, most importantly, the media to be built on demand from its components. And it works over an open network of nodes. So all the nodes run the same software, and the media, the image assets, the application for interactive experiences—those all come in as they are. And then the experiences are served to clients, without any custom clients. And it’s all directly through the web browser.”

Eluvio Content Fabric Pipeline

Eluvio’s Content Fabric pipeline

Munson says that the “living experience” of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring扩展版是内容结构协议动态特性的直接结果. “Objects can evolve into new versions with new components,” she notes. “这意味着你可以改变嵌入式组件,比如嵌入式AR.“像甘道夫权杖和斯坦这样的元素会随着时间的推移而更新和增强, along with “what is offered to the fan in terms of bonus footage, 音频, 等. 这些可以添加或更新,即使不改变用户在区块链上拥有的资产,” she continues. “这就像对你自己的流媒体电影库进行有机改造一样, 随着时间的推移, 发行商可以从创意方面做出决定——甚至是游戏化之类的事情. So if you were an owner of the Epic Edition, you could then obtain the new additions to this living movie experience. And this is exactly what Warner is piloting with this.”

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