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该服务 Unites Stars and Brands at Annual NewFront Conference


"I want you to know that you are one tweet away from ruining your career at all times," said 布拉沃的 安迪•科恩.

昨天进行了一次干预 该服务 NewFront会议尽管结果已成定局. 科恩和皮特·卡什莫尔,创始人 Mashable, joined actress Rashida Jones on stage to convince her that she needed to get with social media.

While Jones seems refreshingly private for a Hollywood star, in the end she relented. 她当然这么做了。 她的新推特账号 已经被创建了. She wrote her first tweet on stage, then was delighted at how quickly she had hundreds of followers. As of this writing, less than a day later, she has over 28,000 followers and growing.

科恩尖刻的建议既有趣又准确. He told Jones how to ignore or block the haters. He said that when he gets a really hateful comment, he retweets it to his followers and lets them attack the offender. 

"Don't delete your tweets because that makes you more guilty," he advised.

而不是平息琼斯的恐惧, Cohen let her know just how toxic Twitter can be: "Oh, 看, someone tweeted that they think you 看 fat."


数码新前线, 现在已经是第五年了, is the event that started the current newfront season, 这是其中最大的一场演出. 不像其他人, 来自美国在线和Hulu等创作者, the 该服务 event takes a wider view than simply presenting shows 看ing for branding (although it certainly does that, ).

海蒂·克拉姆马克山毛榉, 该服务的全球首席创意官, began the day by trying to whip up the crowd's energy: "There's no reason to not leave the show punching the air with excitement,他激动地说. Beeching referred to the event as an "anti-conference.“不过它看起来很像一场会议, albeit one with multiple meeting rooms for deals to take place and four huge video screens for constant sensory overload.

When not tweeting about what they were seeing, attendees caught some interesting conversations. A panel on social media brought together Michelle Phan, 费利西亚的一天, 克里斯汀整个, 主持人皮尔斯·摩根.

"You're vying for attention, attention is people's investment in you," said Day.

一个名为“DCNF:为什么是现在”的会议?" brought together representatives from the founding companies of the newfront season: 美国在线, 微软, YouTube, Hulu, 该服务, 雅虎.

"We're seeing massive investments in digital content in the past 12 months like we've never seen before,约翰·麦卡斯说, senior vice president of brand content at 该服务. “所有船只都在起锚."

“这不是电视. This is what I've called before ‘TV on steroids,’”艾琳·麦克弗森说, head of originals and video programming for 雅虎.

杰米·伯恩, YouTube全球内容策略主管, the current shift to IP-delivered content is similar to the shift toward cable in the 1980s. In both cases, the economics of distribution changed, resulting in more niche programming.

"We're transitioning from the cable delivery of video content to the Internet delivery of video content,伯恩说.

Other highlights of the day included a brief pitch by 海蒂·克拉姆, JB Smoove的高能调节, a "digital rant" about the importance of content creators by Damian Kulash of the band OK Go. Attendees also saw clips from several online series 看ing for advertising partners.

The day wrapped with the announcement that several deals had taken place and with the feeling of an industry in the right place at the right time. Attendees caught cabs for dinners and after-parties, but no one was spotted punching the air with excitement.

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