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The Perfect Storm: 2006 Media & Entertainment Year in Review

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The year 2006 seems to be the year of colliding adages. 就像一屋子的猴子在打数以百万计的抄本,希望有一天能写出第三幕 Macbeth有时,信号和解释在变得更清晰之前变得更混乱. Once we’re a year further down the road, 我们将能够判断2006年是网络视频大规模采用的防波堤,还是主流媒体在保持独立传播媒介的同时转向数字传输的趋势中的一个异常现象. Somewhere in those reams of monkey-babble, however, are signs that 2006 will be viewed as a turning point in streaming media.

2006 yielded a groundswell in consumer-created content. 消费者内容的增长预示着有一天,“内容为王”和“消费者永远是对的”这两句独立的格言将融合在一起,成为“消费者内容为王”的真理, queen, bread, and butter."

From blip.tv’s innovative product, which CNN has licensed for its I-Report tool; to the video sharing sites like YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook; to sites like VideoJug and ViewDo, consumer content is taking the entertainment industry by storm. In some ways, 这种向消费者生成内容的转变是真人秀电视的自然延伸, 但在其他方面,它更像是草根思想领袖和前沿公关公司使用的文本博客的表兄弟,作为产品或概念代言的均衡器,更多的是现实,更少的是电视, 包括较低的生产价值,使代言看起来更真实,不那么抛光.

消费者内容生成博客在2005年崛起,但仍停留在网络上, 与主流媒体分离,被传统媒体以极大的怀疑态度看待. Then YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook exploded onto the scene, 在几个月内产生的内容比许多主流媒体和娱乐机构全年产生的内容还要多.

这些网站采用的娱乐和信息模式与主流媒体推出内容的模式截然相反. Rather than holding content for several months prior to release, these sites allowed anyone with a few minutes to record and upload content. Rather than limiting reviews of mainstream, high production-value content to a chosen few film and television critics, viewers of content on these new sites can immediately respond with ratings, 评论——完全是随口称赞——上传他们自己的视频,对他们强烈反对或模仿他们完全喜欢的视频做出回应.

然而,到2006年中期,主流媒体开始采取不同的立场. In a telling sign of the coming shift in media, 主流媒体把一些专业博客作者放在心上——这是一种矛盾修辞,正迅速成为一种普遍说法. By the end of 2006, mainstream media routinely quoted or interviewed bloggers, and a few video bloggers, such as Amanda Congdon of Rocketboom who had famously been UnBoomed, even found paying gigs in traditional media outlets.

By late 2006, at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam, 很明显,即使是传统的媒体工具也在利用消费者视频内容创作的优势. A Spanish company called Createcna, working separately from blip.他创造了一个名为3G新闻移动工作室的产品,该产品赢得了享有盛誉的IBC创新奖. The product, which beat out many products from traditional content tool manufacturers, 有一个非常简单的前提:允许消费者在任何地方通过3G移动网络拨打网络电视新闻节目并作为特约记者进行报道. 他们的内容将立即在传统有线电视和无线网络的传统新闻节目中进行现场直播. 3G新闻移动工作室,已经在欧洲使用,似乎准备在美国首次亮相.S. market in 2007.

The biggest question remains unanswered, 消费者内容只是昙花一现,还是会成为下一个出版行业? 主流媒体是否会利用15秒成名的欲望,利用视频博主作为更大的特约记者基础,而支付的薪酬远低于目前的专业特约记者和记者? 另外,其他观众是否会对那些花钱买广告的消费者的客观性(或缺乏客观性)的看法与这些消费者对付费名人代言的看法有什么不同呢? Most of all, 普通消费者是否足够精明,能分辨出真品之间的区别, 未经过滤的消费者生成内容和消费者生成的主流内容?

Entertainment Media: Buy Once, Consume Anywhere; or Buy It Again for Every Device?
2006 also brought about the twisted adage "content yearns to be free.从消费者向YouTube和MySpace上传他们合法购买或录制的受版权保护的内容,但他们并不拥有版权——导致前者在被谷歌收购之前与几家媒体巨头达成协议, 并导致了后者的版权侵权诉讼——便携式媒体播放器的数量不断增加, consumers are clamoring for choice in their media viewing venues.

TiVo, 五年前,它的竞争对手ReplayTV因创造了设备间共享内容的功能而被起诉, has launched its TiVoToGo, based loosely on Sling Media’s Slingbox concept. Sling Media的机顶盒让观众无论身在何处都能观看当地的电视节目,这更像是一种“地点转移”,而不是vcr和tivo带来的“时间转移”. But interest is strong, especially for those who travel frequently, in being able to view content purchased once on many devices, no matter where they got the content from originally. 高德纳(Gartner)和德州仪器(Texas Instruments)最近的一项研究表明,消费者的兴趣将继续上升,并主张采用技术解决方案来处理实时转码,这将使位置转换和时间转换变得更容易.

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