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2016 was a year of rebirth for enterprise video platforms (EVPs) after a decade of reliance on (mostly) outdated technologies and streaming protocols.

从新浏览器的出现, 比如Microsoft Edge, 给silverlight公司的棺材钉上了最后一颗钉子, by extension, ActiveX and Windows Media—to the impending lack of support for plug-ins overall in browsers like Chrome, 企业客户在2016年评估了新的选择.

我们在2016年报道了其中的一些 “企业视频状态”, from fully cloud-based enterprise video platforms (often rejected due to security concerns) to customized in-house solutions (often rejected because of the cost of creating an island of technology that didn’t integrate with social media or other marketing-centric platforms).

尽管基于云计算的evp经常遭到拒绝, though, the continuation of cloud-based storage solutions being welcomed into IT departments of corporations across the United States felt like a bit of a disconnect. What would it take to move toward cloud-based solutions for enterprises that want to greenfield their EVP options?

We see several areas that enterprise customers explored in 2016 and will continue to focus on throughout 2017.


This area might also be labeled “HTML5 Playback” if there were a standard approach to HTML5 players that also provided content protection. 唉,这个行业在运行之前需要爬行.


在去年文章的开头,我们提到了Silverlight和ActiveX的消亡. Both were due to the fact that competing browsers such as Chrome took the stance that they wanted to eliminate plug-in architectures. Support for Silverlight in Chrome on all other operating systems was disabled by default in April 2015 and was removed completely in September 2015. 对最新版本silverlight 5的支持将于2021年10月结束.

Meanwhile, 因为Silverlight依赖于ActiveX和微软最新的浏览器, Edge, 不支持ActiveX, the company seems to be signaling its intent for a plug-in-free approach to future browser-based video playback.

在Flash Player方面,时间也在滴答作响. 在过去的几年里,谷歌已经允许为Chrome提供一个专门的插件, 叫胡椒粉闪光, 承认Flash Player深深嵌入到网络交互结构中.

In December 2016, though, Google announced that it had finally implemented a reversal of default settings: HTML5 is now the default way to play video in the Chrome browser, 并且用户必须在每个站点的基础上表明他们希望使用Flash Player.

“[T]his change disables Adobe Flash Player unless there’s a user indication that they want Flash content on specific sites,Eric Deily于2016年12月在Chromium博客上写道. 最终,所有的网站都需要用户的许可才能运行Flash.”

这种可能性似乎是在2017日历年内实现的, as Deily notes that the HTML5 by default will be enabled for all users in February when the stable public version of Chrome 56 is released.

“Starting in January users will be prompted to run Flash on a site-by-site basis for sites that they have never visited before,” wrote Deily. 今年10月,所有网站都将需要用户许可才能运行Flash.”

The reasoning, 至少从谷歌的角度来看是这样, 是想让“整个网络”更安全、更节能吗. Yet security uncertainty in an HTML5 video-only world is precisely the point that owners of critical or premium content face.

Enterprises probably don’t fancy having some of their mission-critical videos released on their intranets without some form of protection, 防止雇员或承包商在他们不知情的情况下复制视频. 好消息是,玩家的发展将变得更加容易, 因为浏览器和媒体服务器都遵循HTML5标准, but the bad news is that the security of plug-in-free playback isn’t yet up to the bar set by plug-ins.

The good news is that the MPEG-DASH (dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP) comes with a provision to handle content protection.


许多企业视频平台解决方案都是围绕亚马逊网络服务(AWS)构建的。. AWS上的一个工具是Amazon Elastic Transcoder.

2016年中期,亚马逊宣布在Elastic Transcoder中支持MPEG-DASH, 作为一种传输到支持DASH的设备的方式.

“You can now reach a wide range of DASH-compatible devices (from desktop to mobile and OTT) with fewer output renditions,亚马逊2016年5月的一篇博客文章写道.

DASH不仅承诺简化视频处理工作流程, 这反过来又有助于提高成本效率, but it also offers an opportunity to protect content in a way that Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) does not, 特别是对于下载到终端用户设备的内容.

内容保护的DASH实现始于通用加密方案(CENC)。, which allowed five specific digital rights management (DRM) solutions to be interchangeably used for DASH content that was delivered as fragmented MP4 files.

而苹果对DASH规范做出了贡献, leading DASH to specify a version of MPEG-2 Transport Stream (M2TS) for DASH players—M2TS forms the basis of Apple’s HLS streaming technology—the practical implementation of CENC centered on protecting H.基于264的MP4分段.

在过去的一年中,MPEG-DASH行业论坛(DASH IF)提出了一个概念, 2015年12月起, 关于可以包含额外DRM解决方案的概念, 通过允许“可选类型的DRM信令元素”.DASH IF称之为内容保护信息交换格式(CPIX)。.

2016年底发布,第2版.CPIX的0版本包含了一种编码和加密的方法——可以在单个进程中,也可以在多个进程中, 禁止理解必要加密方法的编码器, 两个过程步骤——在兼容的MPEG-DASH播放器中进行版权管理播放的内容.

在DASH包装的情况下, [加密和打包]包括在文件头' tenc '框中添加default_KID, initialization vectors and sub-sample byte ranges in track fragments indexed by ‘saio’ and ‘saiz’ boxes, and possibly one or more ‘pssh’ boxes containing license acquisition information from the DRM provider,最新的CPIX版本2.0文件草案说明.

在DASH播放器前面, Akamai帮助推动了DASH播放器的JavaScript实现. DASH生态系统的Akamai贡献者发布了DASH.js version 2.4.2016年12月底在GitHub上发布. 这个版本着重于定时文本XML (TTML)和其他字幕管理方面, but also addressed several issues around encryption and the setProtectionData class necessary to properly use DRM and media extensions found in the newest Microsoft browser versions.


企业视频平台继续发展的另一个领域是可扩展性. In the past, 我们的想法是将每个功能都构建成一个EVP, 但这通常意味着要优先考虑特性和功能, 客户的整体需求和竞争优势.

然而,如今,evp仍在继续商品化. 而执行副总裁则继续为核心功能添加关键组件, they often do so as “lite” versions of their more robust broadcast or media and entertainment platform siblings.

As a result, 功能往往需要更长的时间来实现, since EVP updates often come after the media and entertainment platform has rolled out an updated set of features. 允许企业客户访问核心功能, though, 今天的EVP提供应用程序编程接口(api). These APIs also allow enterprise customers to enjoy some of the functionality of entertainment solutions, 在这些特性渗透到企业平台之前.

Ustream, now an IBM company, 将其api划分为几个组, 一些面向媒体和企业,另一些面向应用发行商, 设备制造商, and general use.

面向企业客户, Ustream播放器软件开发工具包(SDK)允许Android, iOS, and Roku applications to easily integrate live and on-demand (“recorded” in Ustream terminology) content. Essentially, the SDK is a ready-made player infrastructure that allows enterprise customers to use Ustream as an enterprise platform.

但企业客户需要的不仅仅是玩家SDK, so Ustream offers an API to authenticate viewing using standard enterprise security tools such as lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP). In addition, 验证企业员工查看的内容, API可以将现有的企业应用程序连接到未经过滤的分析数据点. 媒体公司也可以在更大的规模上利用这些智能数据连接器.

Asset Management

Enterprise solutions in 2016 were repositioned by software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers as a natural step toward asset management, 从静态图像到视频版本.

In essence, 服务提供商希望他们的客户超越单一的编码,转而考虑资产管理. In that regard, evp可以被视为广播媒体资产管理(MAM)解决方案的弟弟.

Vizrt, for instance, has recently relaunched its decade-old Enterprise Solution (aka Viz Ardome) as a new MAM solution for enterprise customers. 新的解决方案基于更新的Viz One架构, 最初是为广播和在线发行而设计的.

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分析、规模、质量和人工智能是企业视频的主要趋势. 直播在许多新领域都很流行.


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从管道到像素,企业视频安全正在成为一项大业务. 本文重点介绍三种类型的内容安全解决方案:加密, rights management, 内容管理.


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