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Panopto的Chris Knowlton谈VOD内容可搜索性的价值

了解更多关于视频点播和可搜索性的信息 流媒体西部2022.

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2022,这里是波士顿威斯汀科普利酒店. 我是蒂姆·西格林,非营利组织的创始执行董事 帮助我流研究基金会. 我知道这有点拗口, 但基本上我们是501c3,采用旧的第一世界齿轮, 将其重新打包为流媒体解决方案. 并将其送往新兴经济体. 和我在一起. 我有Chris Knolton,他现在是Panopto的首席布道师[http://panopto].com]. 我不知道你搬去帕诺托是因为我最后一次追踪到你, 在Wowza和BlueFrame之后,你回到了微软. 我有. 你在帕诺普托工作多久了?

克里斯·诺尔顿: 我想这是第九周.

蒂姆Siglin: 哦,哇. 所以这是一个相对较新的事物. 这是你第一次参加贸易展,还是你去过NAB?

克里斯·诺尔顿: 没有去NAB. 我去了一个叫ATD的地方, 人才发展协会, which is where lots of instructional designers will go and get new 信息 on the latest tech. 那是我第一次去那里. 那是上周在奥兰多. 显然,这是我自2019年以来的第一个流媒体节目.

蒂姆Siglin: 对于我们中的许多人来说,这是我们几年来的第一个流媒体节目. So you had some really fascinating stats that you showed on the keynote presentation you did, 其中一个引起了我和我妻子的注意, 米歇尔, a high wchool algebra teacher--the one where it said that students remember only 58% of what they learned 30 minutes ago, 一周后下降到35%. 因此,如果有人想做,重复是有意义的. And part of your premise was the idea that we would record that content and then allow people to come back and rewatch it multiple times.

克里斯·诺尔顿: 这是正确的. 我不知道你怎么想, 但是很多时候我去训练的时候都会看录像, 也可能是现场训练, 那是我唯一一次接触到这些内容. 但如果你能捕捉到它,然后让它变得很容易获取和搜索, you're much more likely to get a lot of value out of that content and help with that repetition, 这样人们就能在需要的时候获得所需的知识.

蒂姆·西格林:事实上,我们做了一个 去年针对企业的流媒体调查. 我们问人们的一个问题是, “在大流行期间, 你参加的展会是否比你亲自参加的更多?答案是肯定的. 然后我们说,“你喜欢它什么? 你不喜欢什么??" One of the things people said they really disliked in the live one was not to have a chance to do question and answer. But the other thing they said that they really liked about those trade shows was that the virtual ones were recorded, 这样他们就可以回去看很多遍. 有些人说, “在前三四个之后, I ultimately just stopped attending them live and would go watch the on-demand because I could learn at my own pace through those. And then I could send a question to the presenter with the knowledge of what that presenter had actually said."

克里斯·诺尔顿: One of the challenges I always have at a show like this is that there are always multiple tracks going on, 和不可避免的, 我希望看到两件事同时发生. 有了点播或异步视频,你显然就有了这个机会. And to your point about not being able to do it all in one sitting--you can hit pause. 也许在屏幕上显示大一点会对你有帮助. 所以你做字幕或者屏幕阅读器. 如果是直播,这些都是你做不到的, 但如果需要的话,你也可以做.

蒂姆Siglin: 现在 I've worked with a number of companies who have tried to attack this over the years--one of them being Sonic Foundry--and one of their big claims to fame was the ability to search through content that was on demand. Panopto是否也有这样的选择——基于议程的,还是基于文本的?

克里斯·诺尔顿: We do both speech-to-text, so we get every spoken word, as well as doing OCR on content. 所以任何出现的单词,我也会选择. 如果有人快速浏览幻灯片, 他们没有说出你稍后要查找的关键字, 我们还是通过OCR发现了它. 当你寻找它的时候, 你仍然会在正确的地方找到它,它会把你带到正确的地方.

蒂姆Siglin: 我认为最后一部分是关键. 这不仅仅是,“哦,这是一个小时长的视频.而是,“嘿,你搜索了那个特定的词。. 现在, let me take you to the multiple instances where that word either showed up on screen or was said, 这样可以让人们快速回到他们想要学习的地方.

克里斯·诺尔顿: 完全. It's much like a Google search result where you see the key phrase or word in context, 如果你还记得当时是怎么说的, you can pick out the right one from the search results and go right to that spot in the video.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Most live-streamed productions are almost entirely focused delivering a great stream to a live audience, 但如果你不考虑在直播时切换到视频点播, many producers would argue that it's one of the first things you should be thinking when the live show ends.




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