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微软MIX 09:直播流畅流,Silverlight 3和Internet Explorer 8

At the annual Microsoft MIX conference in Las Vegas last week, 没有迹象表明,经济衰退抑制了这家全球最大软件公司的研发预算. 宣布Windows Internet Explorer 8立即可用. In Thursday’s keynote address, Dean Hachamovitch, general manager of the Internet Explorer team at Microsoft, 展示了来自行业合作伙伴的解决方案,微软还吹捧了这款新浏览器符合万维网联盟(W3C)标准.

Dubbed Microsoft's most standards-compliant browser to date, Microsoft took W3C compliance seriously, submitting more than 7,000 cascading style sheet (CSS) 2.1 test cases

"Internet Explorer 8 now passes more of the W3C CSS 2.1 test cases than any other shipping browser," said Hachamovitch, "and has invested significantly in support for HTML 5. 默认为Web站点的标准模式使开发人员能够确保他们的代码可以跨多个浏览器和平台运行."

Smooth Streaming
Internet Explorer 8的另一个好处是直接利用了流媒体技术:微软通过展示实时流畅的流媒体功能,保持了与Adobe Flash的流媒体竞争, and announced Silverlight 3.

StreamingMedia.com的读者会记得我们在2008年末讨论过平滑流, 因为微软与几个cdn合作测试了Smooth Streaming, a way of "chunking" files into 2-second increments, 有点类似于Move Technologies的核心流媒体技术和动态流媒体的结合,可以自动改变带宽速度以匹配网络条件. At the time of the initial announcement of Smooth Streaming, Akamai demonstrated Smooth Streaming with on-demand high-definition content, 因为它最有可能受到网络拥塞或其他带宽限制的影响.

平滑流点播内容测试允许最终用户以不同的比特率观看高清内容, 播放带宽速度每两秒钟改变一次:如果发生网络拥塞, by scaling down to the next best content bandwidth, 而不是强迫最终用户等待查看来重新填充本地计算机的缓冲区. Conversely, 如果最终用户突然有更多的可用带宽(如果网络条件改善),内容播放的质量实际上可能会提高.

证明了点播高清内容可以通过平滑流媒体技术提供, 微软使用MIX 09将平滑流带到合乎逻辑的下一步:直播. During the initial Smooth Streaming tests, 我们询问了直播功能,并被告知需要实现两件事:第一, a Live Smooth Streaming server would need to be implemented, and second, 编码公司需要发布一个能够处理平滑流的直播流服务器.

At MIX 09, both of these steps were put into play: first, 微软宣布了一款用于实时流畅流媒体服务的测试版服务器, which includes an innovative "simulated live" encoder. The benefit of this simulated live encoder, 哪个可以在发送到测试服务器的循环中使用本地文件, is two-fold. 首先,可以评估任何本地文件的内容类型(动作、谈话头等).) would be handled by the Live Smooth Streaming server. More importantly, however, 是一个次要的成本优势:不需要一个真正的实时平滑流编码器, server, network, 玩家测试无需在24x7场景中运行实际编码器即可完成.

对于那些不想做“模拟直播”的人,或者只是想直接进入直播平滑流媒体的人,微软和Inlet Technologies展示了一款使用直播平滑流媒体技术的Spinnaker直播编码设备, 将修改后的三角帆盒与上面提到的新测试服务器捆绑在一起.

Inlet, led by Neal Page, 作为首席执行官,谁在高清内容编码领域开创了许多先机, 将这看作是媒体公司的一次胜利,这些媒体公司希望提高他们在网络上的整体服务质量,以满足越来越多的用户对网络电视的需求.

"We are excited to have yet another ‘first’ under our belt, with this support for Microsoft Smooth Streaming," said Page, Inlet's CEO. "Smooth Streaming is a significant leap forward, 这为媒体公司提高面向所有客户的在线视频质量提供了一个引人注目的机会."

Given the ability to use Smooth Streaming for live content, 服务提供商和内容所有者可能开始看到传统的时间转换和位置转换功能的发展方向. 我们已经确认,直播平滑流媒体提供了相同的个人视频录像机(PVR)类似tivo的功能来缓冲直播内容, 暂停它,并在已经播出的现场活动部分向前和向后擦洗.

In addition, 作为向准基于网络的PVR迈进的一步,许多电信和有线mso正在试验这种PVR, the chunking of live Smooth Streaming content can be proxy-cached, meaning that bandwidth spikes can be mitigated, especially when it comes to enterprise content delivery.

"With ISP and enterprise proxy caches," says Ben Waggoner, a member of Microsoft's Windows Media team, “在同一个公司防火墙后面,多达100人可以观看同一个流, 每个块的一个副本只需要遍历防火墙后面的网络."

To sum that part up, 如今,Live的外观和行为都更像点播内容, thanks to Smooth Streaming and other competing technologies.

Silverlight 3
微软关于流畅流的最后声明与Silverlight 3的发布有关. Although details on the launch of the new Silverlight, the anticipated replacement to Silverlight and Silverlight 2, are relatively scarce since version 3 is still in beta, 最初的Silverlight和Silverlight 2在过去都被用于大型体育赛事.

True to form, 微软宣布NBC将使用Silverlight的直播平滑流, for content delivery up to 720p HD, 2010年温哥华冬季奥运会将于2010年2月举行.

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