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VVC Patent Pools: And Then There Were Two

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The 49 VVC IP owners assembled by the Media Coding Industry Forum (MC-IF)选择了两个专利池管理者来组成vc相关的池:Access Advance和MPEG LA. While this is undoubtedly a positive move, 这仅仅是厘清VVC授权费用的第一步.

As previously reported, 媒体编码产业论坛(MC-IF)与49个与VVC相关的专利所有人开展了专利培育活动. 我们的目标是选择一个专利池管理员, MC-IF ultimately chose two, Access Advance and MPEG LA. In their announcement, Jud Cary, President of MC-IF, said, "Although it was an MC-IF objective, consensus around a single administrator was elusive. If the result is two pools, 这比实现者从49个vc基本专利持有者中逐一寻求许可的前景要好."

Reacting to the MC-IF decision, MPEG LA announced “开发VVC(多功能视频编码)池许可证”,a step that Access Advance took last August.

What This Means

Forming a pool involves several steps; identifying companies with patent rights relevant to VVC, 聘请第三方审查员确认这些专利对VVC是“必不可少的”, 一旦有核心公司加入,他们就会设定版税条款. 虽然我们不知道自8月以来Access Advance取得了多大进展, it's clear that MPEG LA is just starting, as the release states, “参加初始VVC许可证开发会议, 请认为自己拥有VVC标准所必需的专利的各方按照提交程序将其提交给MPEG LA http://www.mpegla.com/vvc/."

Note that two pools aren't necessarily a bad thing; many successful technology standards involve multiple pools. However, irrespective of how much progress Access Advance has made, 潜在的被许可方在两家公司公布版税条款之前不会知道VVC版税的总成本. That is, since the pools will contain different collections of IP, 实施VVC的公司必须同时从这两个平台获得许可证. At this point, 在2021年6月底之前,我们不太可能知道这两个矿池的版税条款, and it wouldn't be shocking if this extended to early 2022.

潜在的VVC实现者将关注的另一个细节是两个池中包含了多少VVC IP. 如果许多知识产权所有者不加入任何一个池,将会引起另一个池可能成立的担忧。a la Velos),或者大量知识产权的所有者可能会直接向大型实施者寻求版税 Nokia did with Apple.

最重要的是MC-IF的决定就像比赛开始的铃声, 至于VVC IP所有者会考虑哪些编码器需要支付版税,这是一个合理的确定? decoders? content? all of the above?) and what VVC royalties will cost. 选手们现在可以开始向终点线移动了, 在这一点上,我们不知道我们看到的是四分之一英里短跑还是超级马拉松. In the interim, 版税确定性的缺乏是否会阻碍公司实施VVC,这还有待观察.

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