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One concern with migrating streaming infrastructure and content storage from on-prem to the cloud is ensuring that your content assets are just as accessible via remote data centers as when you had them all stored in physical proximity on-site.

Steve Vonder Haar, Intelligent Video高级分析师 & 企业, IntelliVid研究, discusses these attendant challenges and how to overcome them with Rick Capstraw, 首席增长官, SigniantRichard Andes,客户成功总监, Telestream老科里·史密斯(Corey Smith). 先进生产技术总监 CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙,在这个剪辑中 流媒体连接2023.

Vonder Haar asks Capstraw, “How do you make sure you have access to your cloud all the time? How do you make sure that the data center is working the way that you want it to work? I know that at Signiant, you deal with a lot of file transfers.”

Capstraw says that one of the biggest challenges is ensuring that file copies and backups are easy to find. 在云空间, 他说, there “Can be a significant cost element to storing stuff that maybe you needed for a quick redundancy but no longer need…the cleanup and archiving of what actually is needed at a reasonable timeline is where the complexity comes in. 亚马逊的 干得不错, 以及其他云提供商, in providing a lot of different tiering to try to hit exactly the use case that you're looking for. From Signiant's perspective, that's why we try to provide a completely storage-agnostic fabric. 所以如果它是本地的,它在云端,它在 冰川,它可以提供一种访问方式. And then it's really all around automation and workflow of how quickly might you need it back if you need it back, 然后这就决定了它的去向.”

Vonder Haar notes that Richard Andes is the Director of Customer Success at Telestream, 他问他, “Do you get more panic calls on average from cloud customers or on-premise customers?”

安第斯说:“我认为可能会有更多来自内部的恐慌电话。. “I think, initially, it was more from cloud, but that actually has changed a fair bit. 这个问题的答案有两个部分. 如果你想要一些额外的冗余, if you want to make sure nothing's going to interfere with your particular processes, 在云计算中有很多选择. 您可以执行保留实例. You can spin up two instances, so you have a hot backup available. 有这样的事情.” He says that these decisions are heavily based around budgeting. “Is this a high-caliber enough event that I'm willing to spend enough extra money to keep a second encoder instance running or something like that?他说. “So for live production, you just factor that redundancy directly into your budget.”

Andes emphasizes that some key factors should be accounted for. “我如何保持连续性?他说. “In a large fan-out transcoding environment, you're trying to transcode 300 files at the same time. 如果其中两个失败并死亡,会发生什么? 编排层应该自动重试那些. It's the same thing if you try to access a piece of media and in one location, 它是坏的, but there's a redundant copy in another bucket that's in 冰川. 很酷的, 让我们继续从冰川执行或恢复命令, 得到那个文件, 将其用于转码. So that would have to be a relational link within your media management to know that there's that backup copy in 冰川. 所以有很多, making sure that the platform level has the awareness to control and restart, 寻找二级备份副本之类的东西.”

关于快速恢复的问题, 安第斯山脉说, “如果你正在使用特定的基础设施作为服务, (利用)你所处的任何云环境, [leverage] what they support in terms of scripting or redundancy controls. So whether or not it's firing off a terraform to spin up four nodes for you or something like that. It's being aware of what's available that can do those kinds of things for you quickly and efficiently.”

He also notes the flexibility of cloud in terms of budgeting based on specific needs. “在云, it is a little bit easier because…if you want to have a second version of encode or spun out, 很酷的, 只需启动两个实例而不是一个. If you want to make sure that nothing interferes with your transcode operation, 确保使用按需实例而不是临时实例. 如果值得的话,你可以做出一些选择. So I think cloud does open up a lot of really interesting things with that, but it does interestingly loop back to that budgeting discussion very quickly.”

科里·史密斯说,总的来说, there are key issues of both business and operational continuity, 哪些在云计算中变得越来越复杂. “The operators need to know their day-to-day workload or week-to-week workload, 他们会在什么节点上呢, 他们会在什么计算机上, 让它们保持同步,他说. “Whether it's updated slates or bugs that need to be [fixed] for that particular broadcast, 确保车队的管理, 如果你愿意, 在基于硬件的环境中是非常容易的. 我的机架上只有有限的硬件空间. In cloud, I've got five different regions that need the same kind of update and care and feeding.”

完整的会议 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 on May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


One of the popular arguments in favor of cloud migration for streaming producers concerns the economics of scalability. CBS体育的科里·史密斯报道, Intellivid 研究的Steve Vonder Haar说, and Loke Dupont of TV2 in Denmark discuss the key benefits of moving to cloud streaming workflows in this clip from their panel at 流媒体连接2023.


保护基于云的流是一个关键问题, largely different from securing on-prem streaming architecture. Fortinet's John Jacobs discusses the critical challenges and explains how it's done in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


What streaming use cases work better in hybrid and cloud environments than on-prem? 微软的安迪·比奇, TV2的洛克·杜邦, and Fortinet's John Jacobs discuss in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.